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The Importance of Giving Yourself a Mental Break

Nicole Franklin, MPH on September 30, 2019

Information overload is a common challenge for most people, so we should all take steps to create more physical and mental space for ourselves — especially after a cancer diagnosis.

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Making the Argument for Working Remotely

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 26, 2019

When you have cancer, performing your job remotely can save you the time and energy you need to continue to be productive at work. Here’s how to approach your boss with the idea...

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2019 National Conference Recap

Maddy Meislin on July 22, 2019

Our 9th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer provided attendees with information, confidence, hope and truth. Read on...

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The 2019 National Conference Is Almost Here!

Maddy Meislin on June 3, 2019

Our free, daylong program will deliver essential information and valuable resources on balancing treatment and recovery with employment. Plus, we’re excited to announce some new elements!

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Tips to Help You Succeed When Returning to Work

Sissy Silva on May 28, 2019

For those in treatment or managing resulting side effects, it’s important to remember that being a survivor is work in and of itself. So when it comes to employment, you’ll want to determine what the right balance is for successfully managing your job and caring for yourself.

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How to Bounce Back Following a Professional Mistake

Chrissy Brennan on March 25, 2019

Making a mistake on the job — or when applying for one — is not uncommon. What’s important is knowing how to recover.

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The 2019 Midwest Conference — Happening This Month!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on March 12, 2019

On Friday, March 29, 2019, Cancer and Careers will host its 6th annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer, at Northwestern Prentice Women’s Hospital, in Chicago!

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Useful Employment Trends for Survivors in 2019

Sissy Silva on February 11, 2019

New year, new employment trends — some of which might be welcome news for cancer patients and survivors looking to work during or post-treatment. Read on!

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Work & Stress — What You Need to Know

Sissy Silva on January 7, 2019

For many of us, work provides a sense of purpose and identity. But it can also be a source of stress and anxiety. For cancer patients and survivors, this juxtaposition can be even more profound. Read on for more about stress at work and ways to combat it.

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Brand-New Video: How to Support a Coworker with Cancer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on December 17, 2018

CAC has just released a brand-new installment in our animated How-To Video Series that explores the topic of supporting a colleague with cancer.

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Simple Solutions When You're Overwhelmed at Work

Rachel Becker, LMSW on October 15, 2018

Contrary to what many people think, trying to work harder and faster is not necessarily the best way to deal with feeling swamped at work. (In fact, depending on your specific side effects, it may not be at all practical!) Below are some tips on more realistic approaches to managing all the tasks you have at hand.

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Tips for Surviving, and Thriving, at Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on September 4, 2018

A lot of patients seek Cancer and Careers’ advice on evaluating whether they can keep working. Our Manager of Programs Nicole Franklin, MPH, discusses ways to not only manage your job, but to succeed at it.

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A Look Back at CAC’s 2018 National Conference

Chrissy Brennan on July 23, 2018

This year’s event (like the ones before it) did not disappoint...if we do say so ourselves. It was an exciting day filled with expert speakers delivering vital information for anyone facing the challenges of balancing a diagnosis and employment.

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A Successful Midwest Conference — Five Years Running!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on April 9, 2018

We’re still basking in the afterglow of our fifth annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer! It was a terrific day, filled with in-depth learning and discussion on critical topics, plus valuable professional and personal connections.

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2018 Midwest Conference Countdown

Nicole Franklin, MPH on February 26, 2018

With less than a month to go, the countdown to our 5th annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer has begun! On Friday, March 23, 2018 we’ll be returning to Chicago to host this free, full day event which focuses on the challenges working people face when balancing a cancer diagnosis with employment.

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Stressed Out at Work? Asking Yourself a Few Questions Can Help.

Maddy Meislin on October 16, 2017

According to The Job Network, the best way to manage on-the-job stress is to confront it head-on by asking yourself a series of questions. Read on to find out what they are...

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An Excuse to Shop (and Support)

Alicia Chin on October 2, 2017

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer and Careers offers a great way to support others while splurging on yourself! Find out how shopping online for your favorite products can benefit working people with cancer.

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Productivity and the “New Normal” During & After Cancer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 21, 2017

The side effects of treatment — including chemo brain — sometimes require survivors make changes to their work habits so they can continue doing their job at the best possible level. A recent New York Times article provides some excellent tips to keep in mind when integrating new work habits into your routine.

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Steps to Take After a Difficult Conversation at Work

Nicole Franklin, MPH on August 14, 2017

Most of us have had difficult conversations at work — the kind that can leave us feeling anxious and eager to forget that it ever took place. Learning how to navigate a challenging work conversation is a skill, but being able to follow up and build (or re-build) a relationship afterward is equally important.

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