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Carmen F. on June 23, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
2 Lumpectomies/30 sessions of radiation and am currently on tamoxifen for the next 5 years.
How do you feel today?
I feel great! All my tests have come back negative!! Today, June 23, 2009, is my ONE year anniversary that I am cancer free! A SURVIVOR!! What a glorious day!!
Continue ReadingNancy D. on June 23, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
DCIS Left Breast
Employment Status:
Small business owner
Type and Description of Treatments:
DCIS left breast diagnosed 12/1/08 Mastectomy 12/12/08 - nodes were clear - no chemo - no radiation.
How do you feel today?
I feel fine...and I have to be honest this whole breast cancer thing for me was a huge let down. I never even got a pink T-shirt. Six months since surgery and all I have left is a crater in my chest where my boob used to be. I thought I would get used to it as time when on but it was ugly then and it's still ugly now. And I am no swims...
Continue ReadingRose G. on June 23, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
How do you feel today?
I can say I feel like me...driven to accomplish what ever I have on my list to do.
Continue ReadingTeresa M. on June 10, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Follicular thyroid cancer
Employment Status:
stay at home Mom
Type and Description of Treatments:
I had two surgeries, the first to remove half of my thyroid to see if I had cancer, the second to...
How do you feel today?
I feel like I have been given a second chance at life. When I heard the news I was so dazed all I could think of was that my husband and I would not grow old together, I would not see my daughters graduate from school, I would not live to see my family anymore.
Continue ReadingRia M. on June 9, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Breast Cancer
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
Mastectomy and now chemotherapy
How do you feel today?
Except for my car accident yesterday, I FEEL GREAT.
Continue ReadingLisa N. on June 6, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Stage 3B
Employment Status:
Full time
Type and Description of Treatments:
Had a Left modified radical mastectomy with 29 lymph nodes removed. The cancer mass was 10cm, 28...
How do you feel today?
I feel as close to normal as I expect to ever feel. Get tired faster than I expect...it takes longer to recover after doing any strenuous activities. I'm cancer free and happy to be here. What could be better than that. The health side effects from the treatment are minor and don't interfere with my everyday life.
Continue ReadingLor M. on June 2, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
16-20 Weeks of Chemotherapy Mastectomy and reconstructive surgery 6 weeks of radiation treatment
How do you feel today?
Tired and sad
Continue ReadingDoris S. on May 22, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Breast Cancer
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
Mastectomy followed by radiation. Now on Tamoxifen for 5 years.
How do you feel today?
I feel good. Just finished breast reconstruction. I have a bit of a problem with some pain in the reconstructed breast but overall feel ok.
Continue ReadingBonita H. on May 21, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
I had a lumpectomy with removal of 17 lymph nodes, followed by 4 months of chemotherapy and six w...
How do you feel today?
I feel alive and grateful for what I have today. I never thought the pain in all my joints and despair would go away but I am happy to say I feel good again and it is great to be alive!
Continue ReadingBeverly G. on May 4, 2009
I was Diagnosed with:
Breast cancer
Employment Status:
Type and Description of Treatments:
Surgeries including left mastectomy, port, bilarteral TRAM reconstruction, nipple reconstruction ...
How do you feel today?
Today, I feel great. My plastic surgeon released me last month after 2 years and 4 months. I am energetic and active. I continued to work out with a personal trainer during my treatments with short breaks due to limitations after surgery. In the last 6 months, I have started running with other survivors in 5K races. When necessary...
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