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Making the Case for a More Flexible Work Schedule

Sissy Silva on July 15, 2019

While the benefits of flexible work arrangements are a win-win for both the employee and the employer, for many survivors, this option is not guaranteed. However, a strong case can be made for its value. Read our tips for how to have this conversation effectively!

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Tips to Help You Succeed When Returning to Work

Sissy Silva on May 28, 2019

For those in treatment or managing resulting side effects, it’s important to remember that being a survivor is work in and of itself. So when it comes to employment, you’ll want to determine what the right balance is for successfully managing your job and caring for yourself.

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Useful Tips for Managing Work-Related Stress

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 20, 2019

Work-related stress is common and often unavoidable. However, learning techniques to combat and manage stress on the job can positively impact productivity and foster a healthy, balanced life.

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A Successful 2019 Midwest Conference!

Nicole Franklin, MPH on April 22, 2019

We’re still reflecting on what an amazing event it was — from the incredible people we met to the informative conversations we had on navigating employment following a cancer diagnosis.

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Tips on How to Balance Work and Cancer

Sissy Silva on April 15, 2019

Cancer is a life-changing experience, and as a result, many survivors find themselves faced with a “new normal” post-treatment. For those returning to work, coping with that new normal can necessitate a better work-life balance.

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Expert Career Advice

Sissy Silva on March 18, 2019

There is no exact science for how best to approach your career. But one thing is for sure: Advice is crucial to your professional growth and success.

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Three Tips for Building a Standout Online Brand

Rachel Becker, LMSW on February 25, 2019

It’s a reality in today’s professional landscape that employers Google. As such, it’s essential to have a clear sense of what your “online brand” says about you.

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Useful Employment Trends for Survivors in 2019

Sissy Silva on February 11, 2019

New year, new employment trends — some of which might be welcome news for cancer patients and survivors looking to work during or post-treatment. Read on!

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How to Streamline & Simplify Your Job Search

Nicole Franklin, MPH on January 28, 2019

Looking for work encompasses a lot of the same requirements that are necessary at an actual job – organization, time management, adaptability and skill-building — so you’ll want to have a similar approach. Learn how to make the job search process more productive and ultimately, less stressful and time-consuming.

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Use the STAR Method to Shine During Interviews

Rachel Becker, LMSW on January 21, 2019

If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you’ve likely been asked to give an example of how you handled a challenging circumstance in a prior work situation. The STAR Method is a great tool for creating a smart, successful response. Learn more about it.

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Work & Stress — What You Need to Know

Sissy Silva on January 7, 2019

For many of us, work provides a sense of purpose and identity. But it can also be a source of stress and anxiety. For cancer patients and survivors, this juxtaposition can be even more profound. Read on for more about stress at work and ways to combat it.

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Brand-New Video: How to Support a Coworker with Cancer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on December 17, 2018

CAC has just released a brand-new installment in our animated How-To Video Series that explores the topic of supporting a colleague with cancer.

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“What’s Your Greatest Weakness?”: Why It Is Asked & How to Craft Your Best Answer

Rachel Becker, LMSW on December 4, 2018

One of the most commonly asked (and feared) interview questions is “What’s your greatest weakness?” Understanding why it is posed can help you craft a response that demonstrates why you’d be an asset to a potential employer.

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Simple Solutions When You're Overwhelmed at Work

Rachel Becker, LMSW on October 15, 2018

Contrary to what many people think, trying to work harder and faster is not necessarily the best way to deal with feeling swamped at work. (In fact, depending on your specific side effects, it may not be at all practical!) Below are some tips on more realistic approaches to managing all the tasks you have at hand.

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The Most Common Interview Questions (& How to Answer Them!)

Rachel Becker, LMSW on September 9, 2018

The best way to balance out any pre-interview anxiety is to prepare and rehearse responses to potential questions.

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Roadmapping Your Path to a Happier Work Life

Rachel Becker, LMSW on August 13, 2018

Cancer prompts many survivors to explore the idea of changing careers, in the hopes of increasing the degree of happiness in their life. Read on for tips on creating a map to get you there.

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Exploring Company Culture During Job Interviews

Rachel Becker, LMSW on July 8, 2018

There are many elements go into preparing for a successful job interview, and it's important to remember that an interview is also your opportunity to ask questions that can help you determine if a potential employer's company culture is one in which you're likely to be happy, productive and successful. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

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It’s Time for NC 2018!

Chrissy Brennan on June 11, 2018

Our 2018 National Conference is shaping up to be the biggest and best one ever. Here’s what’s in store.

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Beauty with Benefits: One Night; Lasting Results

Alicia Chin on May 14, 2018

Our annual broadcast touches nearly every service, event and resource CAC offers, which means it has an effect on nearly every person who turns to us for support. This year was no exception.

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Whether or Not You Get a Job Offer Can Depend on How You Submit Your Resume

Grace Blumberg, LMSW on April 14, 2018

When you submit your resume online, it often feels like you’re sending it into the abyss. Find out how to avoid that — and get a job offer instead.

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