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How to Address Comments About Physical Appearance at Work

Scott Sinclair on July 24, 2024

Laura Mock is a meteorologist working at Fox 23 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and was diagnosed with stage 3 triple-negative breast cancer in May of 2024. She has continued to work during treatment, and though she has received many positive comments, there have been some that she needed to address.

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Balancing Work and Cancer: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on July 19, 2024

On July 10, we held our Balancing Work and Cancer webinar. The presentation discussed key practical considerations for balancing work and cancer treatment/recovery, such as deciding whether to work/return to work after treatment, managing disclosure decisions, looking for work strategies, and much more.

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How to Use the Chunking Method to Improve Memory

Scott Sinclair on April 19, 2024

The Chunking Method is a memory technique that involves breaking down information into smaller pieces to make them easier to remember. This can be a great tool for anyone in the workplace, especially those who are experiencing brain fog during or after cancer treatment.

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11th Annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer: Recap

Scott Sinclair on March 27, 2024

Last week we held our 11th annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer. We were joined by 261 attendees (our second highest to date) who were made up of patients, survivors, healthcare/nonprofit/HR professionals, managers, coworkers, family members and friends.

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The Power of AI at Work

Sissy Silva on March 20, 2024

AI, or artificial intelligence, has been around in one form or another for many decades now, but during the last few years, its rapid advancements have become the hot new topic. For those currently working or looking for work, AI can be a useful tool for streamlining processes, enhancing efficiency, and providing personalized support.

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Career Shifting: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on March 15, 2024

We held our third Balancing Work and Cancer webinar on March 6th. Longtime CAC collaborator and career coach Julie Jansen led the session on Career Shifting: Tips, Tools & Techniques. A main focus of Julie's presentation was going through her three-step process for changing careers

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So Long Sunday Scaries!

Maddy Meislin on March 4, 2024

"Sunday scaries" is a growing trend characterized by heightened anxiety and stress as the weekend draws to a close. If you often feel this, know that you are not alone – as a 2023 LinkedIn survey found 75% of U.S. workers experience Sunday scaries. To say goodbye to this pre-anticipatory anxiety, we must first understand why it exists.

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Overpreparing Can Help You at Work

Scott Sinclair on February 23, 2024

Public speaking is a very common fear, but can be critical for some jobs. Adding in the stresses of working after a cancer diagnosis, the thought of getting up to speak in front of people can be crimpling. But according to a recent article in Fast Company, the best way you can prepare is to overprepare. And here are some tips on how to do that:

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Managing Long Term Stress Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on February 2, 2024

We held out first Balancing Work & Cancer webinar of 2024 last week when we were joined by longtime CAC collaborator Julie Larson. Julie led a session on Managing Long-Term Stress and had some useful tips and techniques to help mitigate stress that can easily accumulate when trying to navigate work after a cancer diagnosis.

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The Power of Breaks For Brain Fog & Productivity

Maddy Meislin on December 13, 2023

In the fast-paced world of work, the idea of taking breaks often gets overshadowed by looming deadlines and the never-ending to-do list. Research shows that the more people are forced to be productive, the less productive they become. Thus, it’s extremely important to take a break and clear your mind.

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How to Make Working From Home Less Lonely

Scott Sinclair on November 24, 2023

posted in At Work, Remote Work

Remote work can be invaluable to people with a cancer diagnosis. It saves time and energy from a taxing commute, can protect you from germs and illness while your body is immunocompromised and offers flexibility to continue working around doctor appointments or long sessions in a chemo chair. But the lack of face to face connection can be lonely.

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Communicate Effectively to Communicate Less

Sissy Silva on November 17, 2023

At work, effective communication is key for success. When facing a life-altering diagnosis like cancer, communication becomes a lifeline for those balancing work and health challenges. However, how to manage these communicating is not always intuitive. Fortunately there are some steps you can take to make this process easier.

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Balancing Work and Caregiving: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on November 3, 2023

Our 2023 webinars are starting to come to an end with our second to last Balancing Work & Cancer webinar of the year being held on November 1st. We kicked off National Family Caregivers Month with a webinar on Balancing Work & Caregiving

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Questions To Ask Yourself As a Caregiver

Scott Sinclair on October 19, 2023

Most caregivers are balancing their caregiving needs with their work needs as well as their personal needs. So how do you make a plan to address all of these competing needs and obligations? We recommend asking yourself a series of questions in order to figure out how best to move forward.

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Meet Dr. Nieves Cuervo, Psychiatrist

Tatiana Pacheco on October 6, 2023

Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to the expert speaker for this final session of the series - Dr. Nieves Cuervo. Dr. Cuervo is a psychiatrist. She currently works as a general psychiatrist at M&S Psychotherapy and Counseling and at her private practice in Fort Lee, NJ.

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Meet Edwin González, SHRM-CP

Tatiana Pacheco on September 22, 2023

Today we are introducing Edwin González, SHRM-CP, Senior Human Resources Manager at Tate’s Bake Shop! Edwin has over 10 years of experience in human resources, and he will be joining us next week on September 26th to discuss how HR can support someone facing work challenges during and after treatment.

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Three Questions to Ask When Starting a New Job

Scott Sinclair on September 6, 2023

Becoming acclimated to a new workplace takes some time and patience, but you also want to be present and set yourself up for success from the start if you can. And of course, starting a new job with a cancer diagnosis can add even more to stress and worry. Here are three questions to ask on your first day to set yourself up for success.

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Is Your To-Do List Counterproductive?

Sissy Silva on August 25, 2023

In a world where multitasking is the norm and time is a precious commodity, the concept of a to-do list has become an indispensable tool for individuals juggling professional demands and personal challenges. However, when that to-do list seems out of control and never ending, it can cause more dread than help.

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When to Say No at Work

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on August 16, 2023

We've all been there. Your boss or supervisor asks for volunteers for something outside of your job and you feel like you should do it to make a better impression. But, what if you don't have the time for it? Here's how to evaluate when you should say no at work.

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Balancing Work and Cancer: Webinar Recap

Tatiana Pacheco on August 10, 2023

On August 2nd, we held our Balancing Work and Cancer webinar.The presentation discussed key practical considerations for balancing work and cancer treatment/recovery, such as deciding whether to work/return to work after treatment, managing disclosure decisions, looking for work strategies, and much more.

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