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Balancing Work and Cancer: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on July 19, 2024

On July 10, we held our Balancing Work and Cancer webinar. The presentation discussed key practical considerations for balancing work and cancer treatment/recovery, such as deciding whether to work/return to work after treatment, managing disclosure decisions, looking for work strategies, and much more.

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Listing Skills on a Resume: Which Ones Are Best?

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 17, 2024

While experience listed is always important on a resume, don't overlook the importance of which skills you are presenting. Many people applying for jobs may not have the exact experience being requested, but by listing out specific skills, hard and soft, an applicant is able to show their potential in a role, which can be even more important.

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Networking: Unlock New Opportunities: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on May 8, 2024

Our longtime collaborator and career coach Julie Jansen joined us once again and covered the basics of networking, why it's important and how to effectively network. We often hear from people who hate networking and feel uncomfortable at the idea of it.

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Does This Job Fit Your Needs? What Questions to Ask

Maddy Meislin on May 2, 2024

While an employer is learning things about you in an interview, you are also learning more about the company, and if the opportunity aligns with your needs. For someone who has been diagnosed with cancer or another illness, one may have specific concerns about health benefits, flexibility, and accommodations, adding an extra layer to navigate.

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Building a Professional Network

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 26, 2024

Networking has been cited as the best way to get a job when looking for work. But, so many people shy away from the practice. Given it's importance for landing a new job, it's a good idea to be well-versed in how to effectively build a network. Read on for how to establish a strong professional network.

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First Impressions: Resumes and LinkedIn: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on April 12, 2024

We held a webinar last week on First Impressions: Resumes and LinkedIn. Check out some advice on writing resumes and setting up a LinkedIn profile, as well as a full archived recording of the webinar.

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11th Annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer: Recap

Scott Sinclair on March 27, 2024

Last week we held our 11th annual Midwest Conference on Work & Cancer. We were joined by 261 attendees (our second highest to date) who were made up of patients, survivors, healthcare/nonprofit/HR professionals, managers, coworkers, family members and friends.

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Career Shifting: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on March 15, 2024

We held our third Balancing Work and Cancer webinar on March 6th. Longtime CAC collaborator and career coach Julie Jansen led the session on Career Shifting: Tips, Tools & Techniques. A main focus of Julie's presentation was going through her three-step process for changing careers

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Balancing Remote Work & Cancer: Webinar Recap

Sissy Silva on February 14, 2024

The Balancing Remote Work & Cancer webinar provided comprehensive insights into the dynamics of balancing remote work and cancer, addressing both its advantages and challenges while offering practical strategies for navigating this increasingly prevalent work arrangement.

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Debunking Job Search Myths

Sissy Silva on January 19, 2024

posted in Job Hunting, Job Search

Embarking on a job search can be both exciting and challenging. With the seemingly endless options and expectations for roles, the process can feel overwhelming, especially when balancing a cancer diagnosis, and often comes with a myriad of myths that can confuse and create unnecessary stress for job seekers

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Considering a Career Shift After a Cancer Diagnosis?

Maddy Meislin on January 12, 2024

Many cancer patients and survivors find themselves seeking a career change – either because they are seeking a sense of purpose and fulfillment; or because they are looking for a career that is more conducive to their “new normal”. Here are some ways to navigate considering a career change post-diagnosis.

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Questions to Practice Before an Interview

Scott Sinclair on January 5, 2024

Preparation is one of the best ways to make a great impression on whomever you're interviewing with. It's also a great way to avoid accidental disclosure when navigating a job search with a cancer diagnosis.

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Marketing Yourself: Webinar Recap

Scott Sinclair on December 7, 2023

We hosted our final Balancing Work & Cancer webinar of 2023 yesterday, December 6th. Author, speaker and career change coach Ariane Hunter joined us to lead a session on Marketing Yourself: Job Search and Beyond. She discussed how to establish and refine your personal brand and how to implement that brand into improving your job search process.

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Looking for Less Stressful Work

Tatiana Pacheco on December 1, 2023

It’s common to hear from survivors looking to return to work after a cancer diagnosis the importance of finding less stressful work. Those of you feeling the same way may be wondering… But how can I tell how stressful a job may be solely based on the job description? Or the interview?

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Balancing Work and Cancer: Webinar Recap

Tatiana Pacheco on August 10, 2023

On August 2nd, we held our Balancing Work and Cancer webinar.The presentation discussed key practical considerations for balancing work and cancer treatment/recovery, such as deciding whether to work/return to work after treatment, managing disclosure decisions, looking for work strategies, and much more.

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How My Experience Coming Out Helped Me Connect To Our CAC Community

Scott Sinclair on June 22, 2023

When I started working at Cancer and Careers, one of the first things I learned about were the considerations that go into whether to disclose a cancer diagnosis in the workplace or not. While I have not personally gone through cancer treatment, the disclosure conversation was something that immediately resonated with me.

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Job Search: Webinar Recap

Tatiana Pacheco on June 9, 2023

Our latest Balancing Work & Cancer webinar was held on June 7th and we were joined by career coach Julie Jansen. The webinar provided valuable insights and practical tips on creating an effective resume, sharpening interviewing skills, addressing resume gaps, mastering the art of networking and more!

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How to Calm Pre-Interview Anxiety

Tatiana Pacheco on May 12, 2023

It’s common to experience a range of emotions before interviewing for a job – and those emotions might be heightened if you’re returning to work after taking time off for treatment and recovery. Acknowledging and processing these emotions, especially that pre-interview anxiety, can be helpful as you prep.

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Three Ways to Use ChatGPT for Your Job Search

Tatiana Pacheco on April 26, 2023

Looking for work can be daunting and overwhelming, especially after a cancer diagnosis. But what if there was an AI tool to help you streamline the job search process?

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How to Master an AI Interview

Scott Sinclair on April 24, 2023

As pointed out in a recent Washington Post article, AI is now being utilized by HR departments to sift through potential candidates in a hiring process. A one-way interview is not a new practice, but more and more these days your video response may be analyzed by AI before ever being seen by a human being.

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