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Changing Career During COVID-19

Maddy Meislin on June 1, 2020

Learn tips to market yourself for a new career during COVID-19 and beyond.

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Refreshing Your Digital Footprint While Sheltering in Place

Rebecca Nellis on May 14, 2020

This week we hosted a virtual program on job search and one of the questions that came up was what constitutes inappropriate content online. From our perspective inappropriate doesn’t necessarily mean bad, it is rather about considering anything you have posted through the context of what is valuable and helpful for you to have online right now.

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Job Hunting During COVID-19

Sissy Silva on May 11, 2020

Just as many companies have had to adapt to the new realities of a post-COVID-19 world, job seekers will have to adapt their job search strategies in order to successfully land the job.

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Taking The Time To Work On Your Resume During COVID-19

Rebecca Nellis on April 9, 2020

Even small tasks may feel challenging in the times we're currently in of social distancing, isolation from loved ones, and the uncertainty of the future. This doesn't mean the time can't be used productively to help you feel more positive and prepared for what comes next.

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Companies Are Still Hiring Despite COVID-19, Here's Where to Look!

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 3, 2020

Though it would appear the majority of companies are in the process of major layoffs and wide-scale closures, there are still some companies that are able to survive, and even thrive through this economic downshift.

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Don't Give Up on Your Job Search During the Coronavirus Pandemic | Cancer and Careers

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on March 30, 2020

posted in Job Hunting, Job Search

The pandemic has had an impact on nearly every single aspect of American's lives, this includes if you were in the midst of a job search, or are finding yourself in need of work now. While the process may look a bit different, it doesn't mean you should necessarily put it on hold.

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Will You Like Working at That Company? Here's How to Tell

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on March 16, 2020

Starting a new job is full of unknowns. Check out these tips for evaluating, before you start at a new company, if you'll enjoy working there.

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Tips on Transitioning into a New Career

Sissy Silva on March 9, 2020

A career change can feel unnerving. However, with the right approach, this time can also be an exciting opportunity for personal and professional growth.

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Maintaining Balance While Job-Hunting

Nicole Franklin, MPH on February 3, 2020

While job-hunting, it’s essential to find ways to relieve stress, which necessitates being able to recognize stress-related symptoms.

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Do You Have to Meet Every Qualification?

Sissy Silva on January 27, 2020

You may be concerned about how much the job market has changed and how you’ll meet any new expectations. But it’s important to put yourself out there and know that it’s not necessary to meet all qualifications.

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How to Identify Your Strengths

Maddy Meislin on November 18, 2019

When searching for a job, it’s important to figure out what’s meaningful to you — but it’s also important to figure out what you’re good at.

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4 Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Sissy Silva on November 4, 2019

Online job applications have become the norm, which has resulted in a larger pool of candidates for employers to consider. That means first impressions really matter — and your resume is often the first opportunity you have to make a strong first impression.

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How to Master Both Hard Skills & Soft Skills

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on October 28, 2019

There are many steps to the job-search process, but one of the most important is to spend time looking inward and assessing what you can offer as a potential job candidate. We tell you how.

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Tips for Interviewing After You’ve Left a Job on Negative Terms

Maddy Meislin on September 16, 2019

When looking for a new job after leaving your previous one on bad terms, it’s important to control your narrative. Here’s how...

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Maintaining Proper Social Media Etiquette While Job-Hunting

Nicole Franklin, MPH on June 10, 2019

What you post on social media can impact your job search, so it’s critical that your social profiles reflect the image you’re trying to convey.

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How to Refresh Your Career and Job Search

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on May 13, 2019

Feeling like your job search and/or career is stagnant? Here are some tips on how to take a fresh approach!

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Commonly Held Beliefs About Job-Hunting That Are Complete Myths

Nicole Jarvis, LMSW on April 1, 2019

When setting out on the job hunt, it is easy to be inundated with advice and best practices. While much of that information can be helpful, it's important to be able to distinguish between good, practical advice and inaccurate or irrelevant guidance. Read on for which commonly held job hunting beliefs are actually not true!

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Three Tips for Building a Standout Online Brand

Rachel Becker, LMSW on February 25, 2019

It’s a reality in today’s professional landscape that employers Google. As such, it’s essential to have a clear sense of what your “online brand” says about you.

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How to Streamline & Simplify Your Job Search

Nicole Franklin, MPH on January 28, 2019

Looking for work encompasses a lot of the same requirements that are necessary at an actual job – organization, time management, adaptability and skill-building — so you’ll want to have a similar approach. Learn how to make the job search process more productive and ultimately, less stressful and time-consuming.

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Use the STAR Method to Shine During Interviews

Rachel Becker, LMSW on January 21, 2019

If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you’ve likely been asked to give an example of how you handled a challenging circumstance in a prior work situation. The STAR Method is a great tool for creating a smart, successful response. Learn more about it.

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