Jennifer M. on August 19, 2024
Career Change,
Career Management,
Job Search,
Resume Building and Writing
I am a dental hygienist but due to neuropathy and other side effects working clinically is not an option. I am interested in ai, crm, or even review dental claims. I have my bachelors in Public Health Policy and Administration. Currently, I am taking courses on coursera. Some of my certification are intro to AI, CRM overview, lead sales (Salesforce). I have earned 4500 points on trailblazer Salesforce training app. I would like help with navigating linked in, adding new skillset to resume and recommendations on coaching. I have experience as clinical manager for 10 offices and owned a business as a Public Adjuster managing property claims and leading rebuild teams.
2 Comment
Nicole Jarvis, LMSW
Aug 21, 2024
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you so much for reaching out to Cancer and Careers! Your experience is impressive and it does seem like you have a lot of skills that could be applied in many non-clinical settings. I will pass your message along to one of our career coaches who will follow up on this message board.
In the meantime I’d like to point you towards some CAC resources I think might be helpful for you:
First Impressions: Resumes and LinkedIn: for tips on really strengthening your LinkedIn presence, your resume, and more.
Marketing Yourself: Job Search an Beyond: Guidance on how to best sell yourself.
Career Shifting: Tips, Tools & Techniques: Outlines the process and provides tools for approaching a career change
Hopefully some of those resources will be helpful while you wait for a response from our Career Coach! If you’d like any additional resources or information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
Nicole Jarvis, LMSW
Assistant Director of Programs
Cancer and Careers
Julie Jansen
Aug 23, 2024
Career Coach Comment:
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for reaching out to us. I second Nicole in saying that you have a ton of transferable skills! However this can make the process of identifying a new career path even more confusing because you can do a lot of different jobs. It's good that you are interested in technology and are taking so many courses.
I suggest that in addition to taking courses, you find professionals in your network and on LinkedIn who are doing some of the jobs that interest you to have informational conversations with them. Research and learning are important however people are the best source of information about jobs and careers. You can also think about finding an internship that would expose you to the day-to-day aspects of a job.
Regarding LinkedIn, once you decide what the specific job is that you will actively pursue, you can load your profile up with the relevant keywords and position yourself as making a career change. And you will want to do the same thing on your resume. I am not quite sure what your question is about wanting recommendations about coaching?
If you have additional more specific questions that I can answer, please do reach out again.
Take care,
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